Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Reservations have today become a big reality in the present India. Most of our governments are only busy in giving more and more reservation to the different castes or groups in the society. Reservations have old history in India, as long as 1921, when caste based reservation was provided to the people of Madras Presidency. From then, reservations are provided in our nation from time to time to different sections or groups of societies. In 1990, this whole process got intensified with implementation of recommendations made by Mandal Commission. This whole process saw a lot of protest from the student class and lives of number of innocent students gone due to it.
Recently in 2005, through 93rd constitutional amendment government also introduced 27% reservation for the OBCs (other backward classes) which is presently under the preview of Supreme Court of India. Most recent protests in this series are protest from the Gujjar community of Rajasthan for their inclusion in ST list. This agitation of the Gujjar community nearly paralyzed day to day life in Rajasthan and even intensified to inter caste rivalry. This was the first major incidence in the reservation politics which made many intellectuals and political parties to see the reservation issue in different light.
Reservation has today become a major social issue and therefore needs a more depth solution for this problem. So far most of the governments have used reservation for more political benefits and less for the benefits of the people. Though, there are few proofs available from the southern sates where reservations have helped the lower castes. However, same kind of the solutions cannot be implemented to the whole nation because different states have different issues. Second our government needs to get the latest data and conduct fresh studies on the success of reservation policies, for example Mandal Commissions used 1930 census data for granting the reservation.
At a present, question in front of us is to get the right solution for the people problems and not just implements of newer and newer reservations. As per our constitution, there should be no discrimination on the basis of the religion, race, caste, sex and place of birth but unthoughtful reservation policies are only altering with the basic right of every Indian. Moreover, these reservations are also dividing Indians on the name of castes or groups which is a sign of a concern for our nation in the long run and if not properly dealt, can have harsh impact on the calm social climate of India.
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Farmer community has given lot to our country and we all can not forget about their sacrifices. It is a very difficult task to think of India with out our farmers; however the tragedy is that we are not only forgetting our farmers but also making them home less. We all will agree that industrial growth is important but it should not be done on the cost of our farmers. Today we may not be dependent on our farmers and we may need cars more than the food items but still India can not afford to lose its farmers which has major role in its construction.
Arvind Katoch : Ludhiana
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Arvind Katoch : Ludhiana
Increasing Violence:
Increasing violence around shows a great concern for most of the people. This violence is taking the life of many innocent people around the world. This violence has many root causes associated with it. Some times it is religious violence, some times it by the terrorists, sometimes it is by the state polices and sometimes due to regional issues.
Even some violence involving few people is very common. It is hard to imagine that who is not affected with this violence. Many times it becomes very hard to imagine that which place is safe for us. Terrorist can attack us any time or religious violence can destroy everything of us. Consider these two stories, few soldiers of the Indian army killed five other fellow soldiers and jeweler was killed by the robbers in the day light.
Arvind Katoch : Ludhiana

The actual numbers of incidences of crime by the armed personals on the civilians are much more then reported because many poor people are not able to file complains against them. Already Army headquarters and Indian government has admitted the increasing frustration levels among the Jawans and officers due to long isolated and tense life. Indian armed has maintained a good reputation for the long period but these incidences are putting shadow on its credibility, therefore some big introspection is required on the part of armed forces to save its falling reputation.
Arvind Katoch : Ludhiana